Wednesday, June 10, 2015

Intern Adventures (So far!)

Let me just say that we have an awesome intern crew this summer.

I mean, seriously. What isn't awesome on a slow day about three science nerds sitting around debating what weirdness could have possibly caused a fossil site to form, bouncing geology and biology facts around, and picking on each other for random things throughout the day.

...yep. We can't be nerds constantly.

We actually ended up with a really good crew this year. We're always looking for miniadventures to go on after work. For example, we went up to Gordon Creek (my second time there), and they got so excited that they jumped in.

Then there are the evenings when hiking just sounds too hard after a day at work, and we find ourselves exploring town... and realizing just how many dinosaurs are hiding out in the local playground.

Kaitlyn enjoyed this one. Her focus area in geology is actually volcanoes, and there was even one of those for her to explore.

We also went hiking near our bosses house, and from the top of the mountain got to see the town, sunset, and stars like we haven't experienced yet in this area. This mission of this adventure? Pick up a light placed at the top of the mountain by an unknown party...

Let me just point out that that light isn't supposed to be up there and needed to be removed. Plus, getting to the top of that mountain was quite a goal to accomplish. On the way up there was beautiful scenery, animal tracks, fields of flowers, woods, geology....

Mission accomplished, by the way.

I couldn't pick just a few pictures for this one. So enjoy some pictures from the mountain!!

Absolutely beautiful.

If you got this far, well done actually getting through all the pictures. See why I had a problem deciding which ones to pick?

Sometimes, adventures find us. Like the other day when I was driving us all home from work and we found ourselves behind ranchers herding their cows down the road. Peww!! We did finally get led through by one of the ranchers, but not without being threatened by a mother cow and stared down by some of the adults. 

Could've done without that one.

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My Story (Very briefly...)

Lots of people claim that they wanted to be paleontologists at the age of 3. So did I. The problem is, I never really grew out of it. My third birthday party had dinosaurs. Everywhere. I grew up digging in fossil dirt from Aurora, NC, looking for coral and shark teeth. I practically lived at my local science museums (and still do, only now I get to do research, fossil preparation, and work in collections!) When local paleontologists discovered a dinosaur with a "fossilized heart" (no longer considered such) when I was little, I got to meet the man who led the work. And then, years later a dinosaur bone with soft tissue turned up. I was officially hooked.
No longer was I dreaming about dinosaurs. I was actively pursuing the science behind prehistoric creatures. I didn't want to read about it, I wanted in on the action. So I started working at the museum, and finally going on my own adventures. And thus, I needed a place to share them and maybe inspire others the way I was inspired. I have gone from watching fossils be prepared from one side of the glass at the museum to working on them on the inside of the glass. I am a student working toward my goal. I can finally start to call myself a paleontologist.